Besides ski trips the Sierra Club offers a great variety of outings which you can find here .
Dec 7, 2019 Saturday
Ski Mountaineers Annual Ski Mountaineers Potluck Dinner, Gear Swap,
Trip Planning and Board Meetings.
Come to the kick off the 2019-20 Ski Mountaineering Season at the Annual Ski Mountaineers Potluck Dinner, Gear Swap, and Trip Planning. All members and newcomers are invited to attend and participate as well as any other non members who are want to ski and may be interested in joining the group.
Saturday Dec 7, 2019 at 5:30 pm
Host: Louisa and Greg
Address: 253 Paseo de las Delicias, Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Cross Street is Calle Miramar
Their house is in a neighborhood called the Hollywood Riviera on the lower slope of the PV hill. Parking is available ACROSS the street from their house but not on the side of the street their house is on. Parking is also available in the neighborhood.
Phone: (310) 374-7552 (Home), (626) 840-8967 (Louisa Cell)
RSVP to host
Bring: Use the 1st letter of last name to bring one of the following:
A-H Dessert,
I-Q Main Course,
R-Z Salad.
Bring your own Beverage! Coffee (Caf and Decaf) will be provided..
Jan 17-20, 2020 Fri-Mon Ski Mountaineers
TI: Yosemite National Park, California, USA:
Join us for three days of skiing in Yosemite NP. Stay in comfortable house in Yosemite West for three nights. Cross country ski with group or ski Badger Pass downhill or Glacier road skinny ski. Visit Yosemite Valley. Includes meals (except lunch).
Event Organizers: Tom Marsh,, (805) 498-9580
Alvin Walter,, (858) 722-2115
Level: Moderate
Cost: $270 with Sierra club membership and $300 without.
Signup Instructions: Send check to Tom Marsh, 1390 Feather Hill Court, Newbury Park, Ca 91320
Cancellation Policy: Activity is held rain or shine, but may be altered due to inclement weather
Please send subscriptions and address and email changes to: Tom Marsh, e-mail, phone 805-498-9580, or bring to potluck, $15 per year made payable to "Ski Mountaineers Section." Renewal is due in October.