West face of Elephant Rock, has no sunlight in the morning.
Although its elevation is not comparable to High Sierra peaks its climb is challenging (class 3-4), especially for seniors.
Photo by Reiner Stenzel.
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Picture of west face of Elephant Rock

My ascent was on the southwest face which was a bit too risky. The route follows short ledges, then a steep traverse to a next one, occasional reverse to a different one since one cannot see on a steep wall where it ends. Photo by Reiner Stenzel.
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Picture of west face of Elephant Rock

My descent was different, on the west face hoping that it was a bit too risky. It started easy cl 3, but steeper at the bottom.
Rocks are mostly loose, small rocks are at the angle of repose and one slides with them.
Glad when one gets no scratches or worse. Photo by Reiner Stenzel.
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Picture of west face of Elephant Rock

Viewing back on the west face when the climb was finished. The central chute is the obvious climbing route, still not trivial.
Near the bottom one has to choose between the loose talus fan and the dense brush.
The picture does not convey the angle of the slope, leave alone the walls. Photo by Reiner Stenzel.
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