Five of us met at the Three Falls Boy Scout Camp in the Los Padres National Park near Frazier Park at 3:00p.m., on Sat. May 19. Returning for the backpack, this year, was my son, Yoshi; coleader, Reiner Stenzel; & Karl Eggers. New, this year, was Karl's 16 year old son, Rafael, a brave boy! Another comrade, Claire Levaillant, was supposed to join us, but was too jet lagged from a trip abroad to meet us in time. Still, she tried to catch up with us, later, but ended up at nearby Yellowjacket trailhead, instead.
So, we 5 walked the dirt road that ends at a beautiful, shaded waterfall. From there the trail begins & the Chumash wilderness is entered. We took a second break at Lily campground's sole picnic table, erected by boy scouts 3 weeks ago. We met no walkers, not even a stray boy scout, the whole trip. Wild flowers were sparse, & so, as they were, much appreciated by all, I imagine, even Teenager? They had been in such abundance last June. We camped off trail, as last year, in the rolling, 7,000' hills above Lily campground. The air was perfect, & the sun set was a most spectacular firey pink. Reiner made a fine camp fire, & served a nice, iced CA wine; everyone had helped carry up the vegetarian dinner. Yoshi brought potatoes in olive oil to roast, & there were stuffed chilis, as well. Teen Rafael opted for other fare: hot dogs & s'mores! Sunday, after a breakfast of coffee, tea & coffee cake, we hiked down to a smaller falls, & then followed the very intermittent & low flowing stream back west to the trail. We got back to our cars about 2:00p.m., after collecting iris seeds from last season's crop at Lily campground. Let's see who can produce some blooms from these seeds. Yoshi & I then ventured on west via highways 33 & 150 to Goleta. Oh, California; such gorgeous country we traveled through. Goleta is where Claire lives. There, we had the chance to chat, & run on a stunning, private beach in pursuit of a glimpse of the solar eclipse. Thank you, All, for a wonderful weekend.
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