Old SC Seat!

SMS News

This is a message board for any news item of immediate interest to the SMS community. For example, snow and avy conditions, trip reminders, trip changes, program announcements are all welcome. Of course, no commercials, politics or offensive stories will be posted.

Send your messages to your webmasters, Thomas Johansson (thomasjohansson@sbcglobal.net) or Reiner Stenzel (stenzel@physics.ucla.edu)


Announcement from Mark Goebel :

The SMS films are available again, now in DVD format thanks to Dave Sholle. I updated the wording for the "Historic SMS Films" page on the SMS website. Gerry Holleman has a few copies ($20ea) that he will bring to the May SMS meeting.

Our Website:

The Trip Report page has been updated since late 2006 by Reiner Stenzel. Many new reports have been posted (especially for the period 1990-95). Since computer technology has rapidly advanced (faster lines, faster computers, higher memory and storage capacities) the trip reports now contain many high-quality pictures. Basically, many pictures of the SMS Archives have now been posted. You will need a DSL line and a monitor of at least 1600 pixels width to enjoy the pictures at an average level of patience.

The reports serve several purposes: They show new members what type of trips the SMS does. They can be useful for planning new trips. They are a nice memory for those who participated in these trips. They are a permanent record of SMS activities and eventually add to the long history of the SMS.

All leaders are encouraged to submit trip reports with quality pictures. Please send them to R. S. or T. J.

The SMS Slide Show is constantly being updated and contains now over 150 pictures. It is for everyone's enjoyment. If you download and use pictures, please give proper reference. If you have some nice pictures to contribute, please send them to Reiner Stenzel.


To: All SMS Leaders
From: Outings Chair
Re: Updating First Aid

Since January 2006 all Sierra Club leaders must have a "current" (less than 4 years old) First Aid certification. No CPR is required (although this may be the first thing to do for an avalanche victim).

For restricted mountaineering outings, which the SMS rarely does since the Leadership Training Committee (LTC) graduates too few M & E-rated leaders, one of the two leaders must be current in Wilderness First Aid. Provisional I, M, and E-rated leaders also must have taken Wilderness First Aid and CPR to graduate.

Additional new rules:

For restricted trips, every participant (incl. leaders) must submit a detailed Medical Screening Form to the National Sierra Club Office. Some implications of this form have been spelled out.

M & E leaders have to submit every two years an updated climbing resume, a model of which is shown on the LTC website.

Provisional leaders must follow the rules described in various pdf forms on the LTC website

National Sierra Club rules are described on https://clubhouse.sierraclub.org/outings/Mountaineering/index.asp which opens with user name "clubhouse" and password "explore".



A new folder entitled Forms for Leaders has been established on this website. It has links to all the forms needed to lead an SMS trip. Explanations and many URLs are also provided. It's a bit overwhelming but you'll get used to it, they say.


SMS trips frequently have to be modified due to variable snow conditions, road closures, leader conflicts or injuries. At the last SMS meeting it was suggested to announce conversions of scheduled trips to private trips or spontaneous trip plans to good ski areas on this website. This has been done and such trips are found in the Schedule of Activities under Schedule of Private Trips.

Thus, if you have a plan and look for others to join, please e-mail Thomas or Reiner and they will put up an acceptable message within a day or less.

Remember, private trips are not sponsored by the Sierra Club, have no leaders, everyone is equal and nobody is liable for anything, just like in the "good, old" days.

Do not hesitate to organize/schedule SUMMER MOUNTAINEERING TRIPS!

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